
Saturday, 19 November 2011

On Cloud 9 !!! Finally made it to TeamBHP

On Cloud 9 !!! Finally made it to TeamBHP

Hello everyone

After a lot of tries I've finally been accepted as part of the huge family of petrolheads that is Team-BHP. First of all a very big THANK YOU to the moderators who saw it fit for me to become a member of this highly respected community. You cannot even begin to imagine the amount of JOY I am having at being finally accepted here. Thanks a lot.

Been a lover of all things automotive, whether the diecast model cars of my childhood, to my first real machine, the Ford Figo, cars and bikes have never failed to grab my attention. Whether it is the slickest to the whackiest of mods, everything brings out the child in me.

I have been at the steering wheel of our grey Premier Padmini since my second standard. I still remember my dad taking me out for a short drive every night after 9. I would sit on his lap and even though my legs wouldnt even come close to the pedals, my dad never ceased to give me a lesson or two. And thus began my automotive journey.

Come 2003, when my legs actually started reaching the pedals, my dad took me for a drive on a Sunday in our Cyprus Blue Zen VX. I was finally allowed to sit on my own in the driver's seat in a vast open field. I turned on the ignition, slotted the car into 1st gear, and as i released the car, i stalled it. My first two attempts resulted in similar stalls. My dad being somewhat of an automotive enthusiast seemed to be loosing faith in his son by the minute. Finally managed to roll the car without stalling it at the fifth attempt. By then my dad was murmuring something about me spoiling the gearbox with my flimsy starts. But after that every Sunday was a lesson for me in driving.

It was only in my 10th standard that I was allowed to have my own car a silver Maruti 800 DX which was the newly launched model with the revamped headlamps. I remember the headlamps even had levellers, something that was absent in our Zen. The brakes of the Maruti,however, were disastrous in rain. But i had a lot of fun in that car. Sad that my dad had to sell it after I shifted to Delhi to complete my 10+2 studies. I think even till this day, the Maruti 800 has remained one of my favorite cars and I wish to own one hopefully in the future, if Maruti does continue to make it that is.

Speeding up the clock to 5th October, 2010. Bangalore. My Squeeze green petrol Ford Figo Zxi is delivered at Metro Ford Palace Cross Road. The details of how i ended up buying my first car or rather buying a car totally on my own (the finances of course being arranged by my parents) is reserved for another day in the ownership thread.

Few pointers noticed in the Intro thread that I should touch upon in a medically related way :P
Patient is a 21 year old, male, Undergraduate student in Medicine.
Patient comes with symptoms of Addiction to all things automotive.
Chief complaints are -1) Dizziness at the sound of well tuned exhausts and engines, especially V8 F1 engines, free flow exhausts.
2)Syncopal attacks at the sight of supercars.
3)Patient seems to have a dislike of people who turn into racers at every signal, cutting lanes on the highway, and having little concern about traffic rules. However the patient does enjoy beating such people to the green light :)
4) Patient has a tendency to thumbs up every Team-BHP member car that he crosses on the road whether in an auto or bike or car. He seems to have so much admiration for this group of drivers that he has been trying for quite sometime to be a member.

Preferential diagnosis- Patient seems to be a case of the Petrolhead syndrome. Symptoms relieved either by driving or hanging out in the forums of Team-BHP.
Patient has been referred to Team-BHP by bumper stickers and Facebook page.

Current Interests - Buying an Enfield Classic 500. A bit ambitious but waiting for the right opportunity to ask my parents. I ride my friend's Thunderbird time to time but have a desire to own the Classic 500 one day. However i feel that with the newer generation Unit construction engines, the thump has somewhat dampened.
And something that interests me from the day I got its diecast model is the Porsche Boxster. An affordable everyday sports car I feel, but can only own it after having accumulated sufficient Vitamin M of my own :D

Outside the Automotive field my interests are varied. I like to modelling stuff in 3DS Max and also love using Photoshop.Just a beginner though. Also Im a huge movie buff. Mostly hollywood movies. Bollywood sadly seems to have lost the charm of yesteryears :(
Also technology has always been my passion, whether it be mobile technology or computers or automotive.

Cars I previously owned -
1. Premier Padmini
2. Zen VX
3. Maruti 800 DX

Currently owned cars
1. Santro Xing XO
2. Ford Figo Petrol Zxi
3. Something of a surprise my Dad has planned.. yet to find out what he has bought.

Wish to own
1. Bentley Continental GT supersports
2. Porsche Boxter
3. 1934 Ford Model B hot rod
4. 1969 Dodge Charger
5. 1967 Shelby Mustang
6. Bmw 535i
7. Audi A4
8. Mini Cooper Classic - the ones in the Michael Caine Italian Job
I guess I've dragged my post far too long and thus plan to end it here for now.
Thanks again Team- BHP for letting me also be a part of your team.

For the uninitiated - Syncopal attack is the medical term for "fainting".

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